How the problem started
I was playing around with using the Arduino Nano BLE 33 as a keyboard, and stumbled upon the USBHID>Keyboard sketch which I got via the default suggestion from the Board Manager to install Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards
See the source on, or reproduced below:
#include "PluggableUSBHID.h"
#include "USBKeyboard.h"
USBKeyboard Keyboard;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Keyboard.printf("Hello world\n\r");
It seemed fairly innocent, so I uploaded it without a second thought thinking that I could trust anything provided from Arduino itself as an example script.
What the problem is
But now, as soon as I plug in the Nano, it types Hello world
followed by a newline every. single. second.
If I try to upload the blink sketch to clear it, I first need to select the Port, but the act of going through the menu to choose the correct port takes over a second, and typing in Hello world
selects the library manager and ends up opening it when enter is pressed due to the \n\r
. So my Arduino Nano has been rendered useless by code included as an example in the default sketches. That's not cool.
Failed Solution Number 1
I tried creating a custom keyboard shortcut to select the port in less than a second, and then pressing cmd-U
to upload, but I think there might also be a problem there because I get this error:
Found upload port: /dev/cu.usbmodem11401
/Users/<my username>/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/bossac/1.9.1-arduino2/bossac -d --port=cu.usbmodem11401 -U -i -e -w /var/folders/y1/md9_k_td4rz1f0pq26d24crh0000gn/T/arduino_build_230227/<my script name>.ino.bin -R
-> No device found on cu.usbmodem11401
An error occurred while uploading the sketch
I'm absolutely certain that cu.usbmodem11401
is the correct port, because that's what shows up when I ls /dev/cu*
while the Arduino is plugged in. So I think that the Arduino IDE is attempting to upload to cu.usbmodem11401
, but sees that it's a keyboard, and decides that it can't upload code to a keyboard so aborts.
Failed Solution Number 2
I tried uploading blink.ino
from a different laptop (also macos) but nothing changed.
Failed Solution Number 3
I tried looking for ways to 'distrust' a keyboard to prevent the Arduino from sending keyboard strokes, but couldn't anything.
Failed Solution Number 4
Maybe attempting to short circuit whichever wire the Arduino uses to communicate with the laptop will work, but I don't know nearly enough to do that so I'd just be randomly connecting wires to ground which I don't really want to do...
I'm at a loss for what to try. I've logged an issue with the github repo, but I can't think of other solutions.