I am using an HC-SRO4 ultrasonic sensor for a wall-avoidance, maze-solving robot. However, I have recently run into an issue where I am getting a whirring noise from the sensor because it is taking measurements way too often.
This is the code I have right now:
const int serialPeriod = 250; // only print to the serial console every 1/4 second
unsigned long timeSerialDelay = 0;
const int loopPeriod = 20; // a period of 20ms = a frequency of 50Hz
unsigned long timeLoopDelay = 0;
// specify the trig & echo pins used for the ultrasonic sensors
const int ultrasonic2TrigPin = 8;
const int ultrasonic2EchoPin = 9;
int ultrasonic2Distance;
int ultrasonic2Duration;
void setup()
// ultrasonic sensor pin configurations
pinMode(ultrasonic2TrigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ultrasonic2EchoPin, INPUT);
void loop()
debugOutput(); // prints debugging messages to the serial console
if(millis() - timeLoopDelay >= loopPeriod)
readUltrasonicSensors(); // read and store the measured distances
timeLoopDelay = millis();
void readUltrasonicSensors()
// ultrasonic 2
digitalWrite(ultrasonic2TrigPin, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(10); // must keep the trig pin high for at least 10us
digitalWrite(ultrasonic2TrigPin, LOW);
ultrasonic2Duration = pulseIn(ultrasonic2EchoPin, HIGH);
ultrasonic2Distance = (ultrasonic2Duration/2)/29;
void debugOutput()
Serial.print("timeSerialDelay: ");
if((millis() - timeSerialDelay) > serialPeriod)
Serial.print("ultrasonic2Distance: ");
Serial.print("cm: ");
timeSerialDelay = millis();
and my wiring:
Does anyone know why the scanning is happening constantly? It should only be happening every 1/4 of a second, not constantly. The weird thing is that this wasn't happening earlier before I started using the cable.
I believe it has something to do with the 8.5" extension cable I have (needed because I can't mount three sensors, one facing to each side and one in front, on a single breadboard). This is because when I mounted the sensor directly onto the breadboard, the delay was correct and the whirring was not present. However, as I just mentioned, I need the extension cable to be able to have the three sensors.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
loopPeriod = 20
then it should be sampling at 50Hz, like the comment saysloopPeriod
to 250 for a quarter second sample rate