I'm trying to use my Arduino Mega as an EEPROM memory writer. For this project, besides my Arduino Mega, I use an SD Card module, an LCD display and two push buttons to handle the events. Inside the SD card I have the binary files to be written into the EEPROM. Except for the burning process, my sketch seems to be correct. The user selects the memory size option (I'm only using the total memory size of 128kb), the file is written into the EEPROM. Apparently, the file is written. But when I use my other sketch to check the data written into the EEPROM, on the serial monitor, I only see bytes like FF and 0. Nothing else.
I think my problem is really in the process of writing the bytes, because of poor handling of the Output Enable, Chip Select and Write Enable pins. My data and address pin configuration, follows the logic of the Arduino Mega's port handling. PORT as the data pins and PORTC, PORTL and PORTG as the address pins. I will call the data pins dbit and the address pins abit, right? so, following this idea, my configuration with the Arduino Mega's ports looks like this:
Data pins: dbit0 = 22, dbit1 = 23, dbit2 = 24, dbit3 = 25, dbit4 = 26, dbit5 = 27, dbit6 = 28, dbit7 = 29.
Address pins: abit0 = 37, abit1 = 36, abit2 = 35, abit3 = 34, abit4 = 33, abit5 = 32, abit6 = 31, abit7 = 30, abit8 = 49, abit9 = 48, abit10 = 47, abit11 = 46, abit12 = 45, abit13 = 44, abit14 = 43, abit15 = 42, abit16 = 41.
Here is the EEPROM writer code.(UPDATED)
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
unsigned long addr = 0;
int oe = 9;
int cs = 10;
int we = 11;
unsigned long fileSize = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(we, OUTPUT);
pinMode(cs, OUTPUT);
pinMode(oe, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(we, HIGH);
digitalWrite(oe, HIGH);
digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);
DDRA = B11111111;
PORTA = 0x00;
DDRL = B11111111;
PORTL = 0x00;
DDRC = B11111111;
PORTC = 0x00;
DDRG = B11111111;
PORTG = 0x00;
Serial.println("Now, erasing chip...");
DDRA = B11111111;
writeEEPROM(0x5555, 0xaa);
writeEEPROM(0x2aaa, 0x55);
writeEEPROM(0x5555, 0x80);
writeEEPROM(0x5555, 0xaa);
writeEEPROM(0x2aaa, 0x55);
writeEEPROM(0x5555, 0x10);
Serial.println("All right! all done!");
Serial.println("EEPROM Size will set to 0x2."); // just for test
PORTA = 0;
PORTC = 0;
PORTL = 0;
PORTG = 0;
void loop(){
while(1);// don't call this function anymore!!!!!!
}// void loop
void dumpAndburn(){
fileSize = 0x2; // just for test
digitalWrite(oe, HIGH);
digitalWrite(we, HIGH);
while (addr < fileSize){/*
https://www.dataman.com/dataman-eprom-memory-size-chart */
protect(); // is this right?
writeEEPROM(addr, 0Xa5);// test
digitalWrite(oe, HIGH);
digitalWrite(we, HIGH); //write disable
digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);
Serial.println("The process is done. Please, turn off the hardware.");
}//void dumpAndburn
void writeEEPROM(int adr, byte values) {
digitalWrite(oe, HIGH); // output disable
PORTA = values; // this is the DATA
PORTC = lowByte(adr); // lower byte of the address (first 8 bits)
PORTL = highByte(adr); // upper byte of the address (only 5 bits are used, the address is a 13 bit number)
PORTG = highByte(adr); // upper byte of the address (only 5 bits are used, the address is a 13 bit number)
digitalWrite(cs, LOW); // |CE goes LOW // Chip enable
digitalWrite(we, LOW); // |WE goes LOW // Write enable
digitalWrite(we, HIGH); // |WE goes HIGH // Write disable
digitalWrite(cs, HIGH); // |CE goes HIGH // Chip disable
void protect(){
DDRA = B11111111; // set portA as outputs.
writeEEPROM (0x5555, 0xAA);
writeEEPROM (0x2AAA, 0x55);
writeEEPROM (0x5555, 0xA0);
Here is the EEPROM read code.
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> //necessário para Wire.h
#include <Wire.h> //necessária, por conta do I2C
#include <SPI.h>
int oe = 9;
int cs = 10;
int we = 11;
void setup()
int adr = 0;
pinMode(we, OUTPUT);
pinMode(cs, OUTPUT);
pinMode(oe, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(we, HIGH);
digitalWrite(oe, HIGH);
digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);
DDRA = B00000000;
PORTA = 0x00;
DDRL = B00000000;
PORTL = 0x00;
DDRC = B00000000;
PORTC = 0x00;
DDRG = B00000000;
PORTG = 0x00;
for(int z=0; z<2; z++){
void loop(){
byte readValue (int adr) {
digitalWrite(we, HIGH); // disable write mode
PORTC = lowByte(adr); // lower byte of the address (first 8 bits)
PORTL = highByte(adr);// upper byte of the address (only 5 bits are used, the address is a 13 bit number)
PORTG = highByte(adr);
digitalWrite(oe, LOW);
PORTA = 0;
byte r = 0;
delay(1); // we need a little delay to switch from input to output (at least 500 microseconds)
digitalWrite(we, HIGH);
digitalWrite(cs, LOW);
digitalWrite(oe, LOW);
// delayMicroseconds(0.045);
// read the data
r = PINA;
digitalWrite(we, HIGH);
digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);
digitalWrite(oe, HIGH);
// delayMicroseconds(0.09);
return r;
void printContents() {
DDRA = B00000000; // portA as Inputs ports
int adr = 0;
byte value = 0;
byte checkValue;
while (adr < 0x2 ) { // 0x2 just for tests
checkValue = readValue (adr);
Serial.print(adr, HEX); Serial.print(" : "),Serial.println(checkValue, HEX);
Here is the link to the memory datasheet.
And when I try to see the content, I get the following results:
0 : 0
1 : 0
why can't retrieve 0: A5 1: A5 ?
Please guys, help me.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Best wishes.
to addr0x5555
, and '0xA0` ->0x5555
before you write the address you want to access first.