I've spent three days on this, and either I'm blind to something, or something just ain't right.
Doorbell. Front door switch and back door switch. Two interrupt service routines, one attached to each pin. Rudimentary debouncing in the ISR seems to work.
But for some reason, both interrupt routines are firing off when either of the switches is pressed. I've tried RISING, FALLING, LOW, CHANGE, and it all works the same. I tried INPUT_PULLUP and INPUT_PULLDOWN and changed the polarity on the switches. No change. I've tried different pins, digital, analog. Nothing seems to keep both ISRs from firing.
Pressing front door button, it should print:
front door high
Releasing front door button
front door low
Pressing back door button
back door high
Releasing back door button
back door low
But for some reason, both interrupt service routines are called when pushing either button. Here's what I actually get:
Pressing front door button:
back door low
front door high
Releasing front door button
front door low
Pressing back door button
front door WTF?
back door high
Releasing back door button
front door WTF?
back door low
Here's the code. I hope someone can see something I can't:
#include <Arduino.h>
volatile int frontDoorStatus = 0;
volatile int backDoorStatus = 0;
void frontDoorIsr()
static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0;
unsigned long interrupt_time = millis();
// If interrupts come faster than 200ms, assume it's a bounce and ignore
if (interrupt_time - last_interrupt_time > 200) {
if (digitalRead(FRONT_DOOR_SWITCH) == HIGH) {
frontDoorStatus = 1;
else if (digitalRead(FRONT_DOOR_SWITCH) == LOW) {
frontDoorStatus = 2;
else {
frontDoorStatus = -1;
last_interrupt_time = interrupt_time;
void backDoorIsr()
static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0;
unsigned long interrupt_time = millis();
// If interrupts come faster than 200ms, assume it's a bounce and ignore
if (interrupt_time - last_interrupt_time > 200) {
if (digitalRead(BACK_DOOR_SWITCH) == HIGH) {
backDoorStatus = 1;
else if (digitalRead(BACK_DOOR_SWITCH) == LOW) {
backDoorStatus = 2;
else {
backDoorStatus = -1;
last_interrupt_time = interrupt_time;
void setup() {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(FRONT_DOOR_SWITCH), frontDoorIsr, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BACK_DOOR_SWITCH), backDoorIsr, CHANGE);
void loop()
switch (frontDoorStatus) {
case 0:
case -1:
Serial.println("front door WTF?");
frontDoorStatus = 0;
case 1:
Serial.println("front door high");
frontDoorStatus = 0;
case 2:
Serial.println("front door low");
frontDoorStatus = 0;
switch (backDoorStatus) {
case 0:
case -1:
Serial.println("back door WTF?");
backDoorStatus = 0;
case 1:
Serial.println("back door high");
backDoorStatus = 0;
case 2:
Serial.println("back door low");
backDoorStatus = 0;
Board is Adafruit Feather Express M4 (SAMD51)
and#define BACK_DOOR_SWITCH 22
and hooking your signals to those pins labeled on the board asSCL
. If this improves things, I'll give you an answer as to why I think it may have.