I'm making my own Arduino Mega board with ATmega2560-16AU and CH340G. Jump to the end of the post to find the real question.
I have already ordered a PCB before and it didn't work when I soldered everything in place. I have already asked why that board didn't work on another post here: Programming custom Arduino Mega with Arduino Uno
But I was not satisfied with the answers and started suspecting whether or not the capacitor values were right on my board.
I'm trying to make my own version of RobotDyn's Arduino Mega 2560 Pro so I tried taking the already programmed ch340g and soldering it on my own board and still failed. When I put a previously not programmed ch340g on the RobotDyn board and programmed it using Arduino UNO (Arduino as ISP) the board would work.
So now I ordered a new PCB but haven't ordered any of the passive components yet.
If any of you could tell me where I could find the values from the schematic below I would really appreciate that.