I am currently working on a project where i take a frequency, and i want the code to take that value and use a formula to work out its mmh2O level. I use the Serial Monitor to input the values, but i have a problem. When writing the values e.g. "44.62352548","44.49151522". The value that is sent is wrong and displayed wrong.
I know the code i have written does not support this many signigicant figures from a float. And i have tried a few things to try and solve it but i cannot crack it.
I have tried using dtostrf() command, but i have never used this before and dont understand. Somebody from the arduino Forums had helped me out but it didnt seem to work. I have also tried formatting aswell, and that did not seem to work.
If anyone has any help and advice it would be much appreciated.
float level;
float myValue;
String msg1 = "Enter Frequency (type 0 to exit): ";
String msg2 = "Your Frequency is: ";
void setup()
void loop()
while (Serial.available() == 0);
myValue = Serial.parseFloat();
if (myValue == 0.0)
void freqConversion()
level = (myValue-44.712)/-0.0285493333;