I'm going through a library for the ILI9488 running by SPI and want to copy this library in my version.
In the beginning of the source file, there's a guard for the SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION
that if the library would run in Arduino compiler then it would use the SPI functions, otherwise it should run from another platform SPI libraries.
Library link: jaretburkett / ILI9488
This is the part of code I have questions about:
// If the SPI library has transaction support, these functions
// establish settings and protect from interference from other
// libraries. Otherwise, they simply do nothing.
static inline void spi_begin(void) __attribute__((always_inline));
static inline void spi_begin(void) {
#if defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_ARC32)
// max speed!
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(16000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
// max speed!
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(24000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
static inline void spi_end(void) __attribute__((always_inline));
static inline void spi_end(void) {
#define spi_begin()
#define spi_end()
My questions:
- why the programmer first declare the function in source file not in header file ?
- why to use
attribution for a function that's is most the time used once in program file and it's not likely to be used many times during operating time ? - what does this define means
and where to find it ? I searched in all files in arduino folders and didn't find it. Is it dedicated for fast boards or the usual 16MHz arduino boards ?
I want to add another question for the same library.
This function content:
void ILI9488::spiwrite(uint8_t c) {
//Serial.print("0x"); Serial.print(c, HEX); Serial.print(", ");
if (hwSPI) {
#if defined (__AVR__)
uint8_t backupSPCR = SPCR;
SPDR = c;
while(!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF)));
SPCR = backupSPCR;
} else {
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_ARC32)
for(uint8_t bit = 0x80; bit; bit >>= 1) {
if(c & bit) {
digitalWrite(_mosi, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(_mosi, LOW);
digitalWrite(_sclk, HIGH);
digitalWrite(_sclk, LOW);
// Fast SPI bitbang swiped from LPD8806 library
for(uint8_t bit = 0x80; bit; bit >>= 1) {
if(c & bit) {
//digitalWrite(_mosi, HIGH);
*mosiport |= mosipinmask;
} else {
//digitalWrite(_mosi, LOW);
*mosiport &= ~mosipinmask;
//digitalWrite(_sclk, HIGH);
*clkport |= clkpinmask;
//digitalWrite(_sclk, LOW);
*clkport &= ~clkpinmask;
what I understood from this is that the programmer wants the library to be more versatile to support AVR chips programmer by another IDE than Arduino, also supports ESP8266 and anything else should be handled by softSPI, actually pretty smart coding I guess.
My question here, is does #if defined (__AVR__)
checks for either AVR/Arduino in general and when specifies SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION
means Arduino SPI library specifically ? right ?