So, I am new with arduino and am to build a robot using motors, for that I have bought l298n H bridge motor driver. I have watched various site and videos ,to make sure not to make a mistake but, in every video and sites
I have found their connecting the motor direction controller to
IN1 -> Arduino Pin 8 (digital) and IN2 -> Arduino Pin 7 (digital)
Till then it was fine ... Now the fishy thing for me is
IN3 -> Arduino Pin 5 (PWM) and IN4 -> Arduino Pin 4 (Digital)
Why connect to a Digital and a PWM?
For E1 and E2 I am sure that the wires should be connected to the PWM (~) pins for arduino, to control speed of the motor..
But, Should not I be able to connect IN3 and IN4 both to rest of the digital pins 12, 13 or 2,4 Just Like IN1 and IN2 is connected to 7 and 8.
But the IN3 and IN4 is connected to a PWM and a Digital pin.
So can I use all the unused non PWM digital pins to connect the motor direction control?
Thanks for your precious time..!
and what are they forreverse