In my setup, I've got a number of ESP8266 devices around my home controlling various devices like my boiler and some lights.
They're all controlled by a central smart hub on a Raspberry Pi with a static's IP address.
This works great, but I'm increasingly concerned of the security implications of this. Communication between the Pi and the various ESP8266s is currently done over HTTP, with all the commands simply in the URL the Pi requests from the web servers.
As such, anyone on my network could theoretically control these smart devices using a simple curl
Whilst I have a strong Wi-Fi password, and am using WPA2 encryption, I would feel much more comfortable if communication with the ESP8266s was controlled in some way. E.g. in the same sort of way you can only connect to an SSH server using public key encryption if you have the right private key.
Is something like this possible to implement on an ESP8266? I've done some searching and only found articles about HTTPS which doesn't seem like it would solve my problem.
Thanks in advance, Rocco