I have a problem , when send 1 or 0 by Bluetooth module the serial monitor print two time (RECEIVED SMS) . what's the wrong ?

This is my code :

   char BluetoothData = 0 ; 
void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication:
    for (int pin = 1; pin <= 13; pin++)
       pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); // sets the digitals pin  as outputs
       digitalWrite(pin, LOW); // sets the digitals pin off defult intial states 
       Serial.println("ALL LEDs NOW OFF \n "); 
       Serial.println("Please, Enter : ( 1 to Turn on All LEDs )  or ( 0 to Turn off LEDs ) \n");
void loop() {            
  // read the sensor:
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {

        BluetoothData = Serial.read();
            Serial.print("*** RECEIVED SMS *** : ==>> ");

        if (BluetoothData == '1'){ 
        for (int Pin = 1; Pin <= 13; Pin++) {
          digitalWrite(Pin, HIGH);
          Serial.println("ALL LEDs NOW ON");
        // turn all the LEDs off:
   else if (BluetoothData == '0') {
        for (int Pin = 1; Pin <= 13; Pin++) {
          digitalWrite(Pin, LOW);
          Serial.println("ALL LEDs NOW OFF"); 

This is photo for serial monitor

enter image description here

  • Please do not post photos of the output, rather select the text, then copy/paste the text into the question, as indented code Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 23:37
  • for ease of readability and understanding: 1) please consistently indent the code. Indent after every opening brace '{'. Unindent before every closing brace '}'. Suggest each indent level be 4 spaces. Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 23:39
  • the posted code does not contain a main() function, not the necessary #include statements. So how are we to reproduce the problem? Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 23:41
  • I cannot understand all the functions and terms of the site. I weak in that, is there a video that explains the matter? Commented Apr 3, 2020 at 7:34

2 Answers 2


Probably the first time because you received the character '1' or '0'. The second character is probably a '\0' or '\d', an end-of-string or end-of-line character.

You can easily check this by printing the value of each received character, like


You probably see the value for '0' (48), '1' (49), end of string '0' of end of line '13' or maybe '10' (new line).


In the Arduino IDE you should select "No Line Ending" from the menu, instead of "New line". Otherwise you are sending an extra "\n".

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