hey guys I have a access control system working perfect with rfid and keypad.
I would like to implement : If the PIN is entered more than 3 times incorrectly the card is disabled.
someone could give a help or a tip?
here is my code: https://pastiebin.com/5e4c315d97d5e
#include <Keypad.h> // This sketch uses the Keypad.h library
#include <SPI.h> // This sketch uses the SPI.h library
#include <MFRC522.h> // This sketch uses the MFRC522.h library
#define SS_PIN 10 // Define SS_PIN of the RC522 RFID Reader to digital pin 10 of the Arduino
#define RST_PIN 9 // Define RST_PIN of the RC522 RFID Reader to digital pin 9 of the Arduino
MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance.
int RedLed = A3; // Red LED output is analog pin A3
int GreenLed = A4; // Green LED output is analog pin A4
int Buzzer = A5; // Buzzer output is analog pin A5
unsigned long Timer; // Variable for the Timer
const byte ROWS = 4; // Four rows
const byte COLS = 3; // Three columns
char Keys[ROWS][COLS] = { // Define the symbols on the buttons of the keypads
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {5, 4, 3, 2}; // Connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {8, 7, 6}; // Connect to the column pinouts of the keypad
Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(Keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS); // Initialize an instance of class NewKeypad
int RightCard; // Variable for a known Mifare Card
int RightPinCode; // Variable for valid key input in combination with a known Mifare Card
int WrongPinCode; // Variable for a invalid key input in combination with a known Mifare Card
int PinCodeCounter; // Variable Counter for counting the number of pincode inputs on the keypad
int Code1Correct; // Variable for the first correct digit (Code) input on the keypad
int Code2Correct; // Variable for the second correct digit (Code) input on the keypad
int Code3Correct; // Variable for the third correct digit (Code) input on the keypad
int Code4Correct; // Variable for the fourth correct digit (Code) input on the keypad
int Code5Correct; // Variable for the fifth correct digit (Code) input on the keypad
int Code6Correct; // Variable for the sixth correct digit (Code) input on the keypad
int Reset; // Reset for the loop
int MifareCard1; // We need this specific variable to determine the valid PinCode in combination with the UID nummer of the Mifare Card
const int Code1MifareCard1 = '6'; // Determine here the first digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code2MifareCard1 = '6'; // Determine here the second digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code3MifareCard1 = '6'; // Determine here the third digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code4MifareCard1 = '2'; // Determine here the fourth digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code5MifareCard1 = '2'; // Determine here the fifth digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code6MifareCard1 = '2'; // Determine here the sixth digit of your 6 digit PIN
int MifareCard2; // We need this specific variable to determine the valid PinCode in combination with the UID nummer of the Mifare Card
const int Code1MifareCard2 = '1'; // Determine here the first digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code2MifareCard2 = '1'; // Determine here the second digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code3MifareCard2 = '1'; // Determine here the third digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code4MifareCard2 = '3'; // Determine here the fourth digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code5MifareCard2 = '3'; // Determine here the fifth digit of your 6 digit PIN
const int Code6MifareCard2 = '3'; // Determine here the sixth digit of your 6 digit PIN
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communications with the PC
SPI.begin(); // Initialize the SPI bus
mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Initialize the MFRC522
pinMode (RedLed, OUTPUT); // Define RedLed as OUTPUT
pinMode (GreenLed, OUTPUT); // Define GreenLed as OUTPUT
pinMode (Buzzer, OUTPUT); // Define Buzzer as OUTPUT
void loop() {
//----------------------------------------------Code for the reset function of the loop--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (Reset == 1) // If Reset has value 1 (HIGH) all variables will be reset to 0 and the RC522 RFID reader will be waiting for a new Mifare Card.
RightCard = 0;
MifareCard1 = 0;
MifareCard2 = 0;
RightPinCode = 0;
WrongPinCode = 0;
Code1Correct = 0;
Code2Correct = 0;
Code3Correct = 0;
Code4Correct = 0;
Code5Correct = 0;
Code6Correct = 0;
PinCodeCounter = 0;
delay (50);
Reset = 0;
//----------------------------------------------Code for the control for a valid pincode within the timelimit of 7 seconds after presenting/offering a valid Mifare Card ---------------------------
if (millis()- Timer > 7000 && RightCard == 1) // If the Timer will be larger as 7 seconds and a valid Mifare Card is offered, reset value will be high.
{ // This means that you have after presenting a valid card, 7 seconds to enter a valid code or the loop resets.
Reset = 1;
//----------------------------------------------Reading the presented/offered Mifare Card at the MFRC522 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() &&
//----------------------------------------------Code for detect the first Mifare Card in the Database. This is a UID number with 4 pairs of digits. Example: 69 7C 01 9C------------------------------------
(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[0] == 0x69 && // Fill in the first digits of the UID number of your Mifare card
mfrc522.uid.uidByte[1] == 0x7C && // Fill in the seconds digits of the UID number of your Mifare card
mfrc522.uid.uidByte[2] == 0x01 && // Fill in the third digits of the UID number of your Mifare card
mfrc522.uid.uidByte[3] == 0x9C) // Fill in the fourth digits of the UID number of your Mifare card
RightCard = 1; // The offered Mifare Card is known in the database, set variable "RightCard" to 1
MifareCard1 = 1; // This Mifare Card is known as Mifare Card 2 in the Database, so set variable MifareCard2 to value 1.
digitalWrite (Buzzer, HIGH); // Make a beep for the accepted Mifare Card
delay (150); //
digitalWrite (Buzzer, LOW); //
PinCodeCounter = 0; // Reset the PinCodeCounter to 0
Timer = millis(); // Reset the Timer. The 7 seconds limit is running now for a valid PinCode
Serial.println("CardAccesOn"); // Print the text "CardAccesOn" to the serial monitor
delay (200); // Wait 200 milliseconds
//-----------------------------------------------Code for detect the second Mifare Card in the Database. This is a UID number with 4 pairs of digits. Example: EB 70 C0 BC----------------------------------------------
(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[0] == 0xEB && // Fill in the first digits of the UID number of your Mifare card
mfrc522.uid.uidByte[1] == 0x70 && // Fill in the seconds digits of the UID number of your Mifare card
mfrc522.uid.uidByte[2] == 0xC0 && // Fill in the third digits of the UID number of your Mifare card
mfrc522.uid.uidByte[3] == 0xBC) // Fill in the fourth digits of the UID number of your Mifare card
RightCard = 1; // If the offered Mifare Card is known in the database, set variable "RightCard" to 1
MifareCard2 = 1;
digitalWrite (Buzzer, HIGH); // Make a beep for the accepted Mifare Card
delay (150); //
digitalWrite (Buzzer, LOW); //
PinCodeCounter = 0; // Reset the PinCodeCounter to 0
Timer = millis(); // Reset the Timer. The 7 seconds limit is running now for a valid PinCode
Serial.println("CardAccesOn"); // Print the text "CardAccesOn" to the serial monitor
delay (200); // Wait 200 milliseconds
//-----------------------------------------------Code for accepting a valid MifareCard + valid PinCode-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (Code6Correct == 1 && RightCard == 1) // If the PinCode is the correct and you did enter this within 7 seconds
RightPinCode = 1; // Variable RightPinCode will be set to 1
digitalWrite (GreenLed, HIGH); // Make a nice beep for the correct Pincode and set the Green LED high for 1 second
delay (150); //
digitalWrite (Buzzer, HIGH); //
delay (150); //
digitalWrite (Buzzer, LOW); //
delay (50); //
digitalWrite (Buzzer, HIGH); //
delay (150); //
digitalWrite (Buzzer, LOW); //
delay (500); //
digitalWrite (GreenLed, LOW); //
Serial.println("Correct PinCode"); // Print the text "Correct PinCode" to the serial monitor
Reset = 1; // Reset the loop
//-----------------------------------------------Code for refusing a valid MifareCard + invalid PinCode------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((Code6Correct == 0) && (PinCodeCounter >= 6) && (RightCard == 1)) // If you offered a valid Mifare Card and the Pincode is not correct and you already entered 6 digitkeys
WrongPinCode = 1; // Variable WrongPinCode will be set to 1
Serial.println("WrongCode"); // Print the text "WrongKey" to the serial monitor
Reset = 1; // Reset the loop
//-----------------------------------------------Code for refusing a Wrong/Invalid PinCode or the Timer (7seconds) expired----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((WrongPinCode == 1) || (millis()- Timer > 7000 && RightCard == 1)) // If you offered a valid Mifare Card and you entered a wrong PinCode or the timer (7 seconds) expires
digitalWrite (Buzzer, HIGH); // Make a long beep and set the Red LED HIGH for the wrong code or timer expiry
digitalWrite (RedLed, HIGH); //
delay(1500); //
digitalWrite (Buzzer, LOW); //
digitalWrite (RedLed, LOW); //
Serial.println("WrongCode or Timer expired"); // Print the text "WrongCode or Timer expired" to the serial monitor
Reset = 1; // Reset the loop
//-----------------------------------------------Code for counting the inputs on the keypad----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
char KeyDigit = keypad.getKey(); // Get the DigitKey from the keypad
if ((RightCard == 1) && // If you offered a valid Mifare Card and any DigitKey on the keypad is pressed
((KeyDigit == '1') ||
(KeyDigit == '2') ||
(KeyDigit == '3') ||
(KeyDigit == '4') ||
(KeyDigit == '5') ||
(KeyDigit == '6') ||
(KeyDigit == '7') ||
(KeyDigit == '8') ||
(KeyDigit == '9') ||
(KeyDigit == '0') ||
(KeyDigit == '*') ||
(KeyDigit == '#')))
PinCodeCounter++; // PinCodeCounter value +1 for every press on any Digitkey on the keypad
digitalWrite (Buzzer, HIGH); // Make a short beep for a DigitKey press on the keypad
delay (50); //
digitalWrite (Buzzer, LOW); //
//-----------------------------------------------Code for determine the correct PinCode for MifareCard1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((KeyDigit == Code1MifareCard1) && (RightCard == 1) && (Code1Correct == 0) && (MifareCard1 == 1)) // If you offered the valid MifareCard1, first PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code1Correct = 1; // Variable Code1Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code2MifareCard1) && (Code1Correct == 1) && (Code2Correct == 0) && (MifareCard1 == 1)) // If you offered the valid MifareCard1, second PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code2Correct = 1; // Variable Code2Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code3MifareCard1) && (Code2Correct == 1) && (Code3Correct == 0) && (MifareCard1 == 1)) // If you offered the valid MifareCard1, third PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code3Correct = 1; // Variable Code3Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code4MifareCard1) && (Code3Correct == 1) && (Code4Correct == 0) && (MifareCard1 == 1)) // If you offered the valid MifareCard1, fourth PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code4Correct = 1; // Variable Code4Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code5MifareCard1) && (Code4Correct == 1) && (Code5Correct == 0) && (MifareCard1 == 1)) // If you offered the valid MifareCard1, fifth PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code5Correct = 1; // Variable Code5Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code6MifareCard1) && (Code5Correct == 1) && (Code6Correct == 0) && (MifareCard1 == 1)) // If you offered the valid MifareCard1, sixth PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code6Correct = 1; // Variable Code6Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
//-----------------------------------------------Code for determine the correct PinCode for MifareCard2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((KeyDigit == Code1MifareCard2) && (RightCard == 1) && (Code1Correct == 0) && (MifareCard2 == 1)) // If you offered a the valid MifareCard2, first PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code1Correct = 1; // Variable Code1Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code2MifareCard2) && (Code1Correct == 1) && (Code2Correct == 0) && (MifareCard2 == 1)) // If you offered a the valid MifareCard2, second PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code2Correct = 1; // Variable Code2Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code3MifareCard2) && (Code2Correct == 1) && (Code3Correct == 0) && (MifareCard2 == 1)) // If you offered a the valid MifareCard2, third PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code3Correct = 1; // Variable Code3Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code4MifareCard2) && (Code3Correct == 1) && (Code4Correct == 0) && (MifareCard2 == 1)) // If you offered a the valid MifareCard2, fourth PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code4Correct = 1; // Variable Code4Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code5MifareCard2) && (Code4Correct == 1) && (Code5Correct == 0) && (MifareCard2 == 1)) // If you offered a the valid MifareCard2, fifth PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code5Correct = 1; // Variable Code5Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
if ((KeyDigit == Code6MifareCard2) && (Code5Correct == 1) && (Code6Correct == 0) && (MifareCard2 == 1)) // If you offered a the valid MifareCard2, sixth PinCode and you did not entered it before (Otherwise we conflict with same KeyDigits)
Code6Correct = 1; // Variable Code6Correct is set to 1
return; // Return to begin loop
thank you very much.