I'm trying to use the RF24 library for wireless communication. However, it appeared that this library does not have "help" option. There was a keywords file but it did not explain what it does. I found couple of examples online, and in the library, but id did not explain things quite in detail.
Could you explain to me how those command works, and weather there's any help file for the library?
Especially, I have a question about the channel and address used in the library.
A. Does address take character or number as input? The official example in the library used
byte addresses[][6] = {"1Node","2Node"};
But I also say some example use
byte addresses[][6] = {"00001","00002"};
The byte command was suppose to be a 8-bit unsigned number, from 0 to 255, but why they used string " " as input?
I found a sentence in RF24.h file: Addresses are assigned via a byte array, default is 5 byte address lengths. But why they wrote byte addresses[][6] instead of byte addresses[][5]?
B. From some other video I learned that RF24 have channel and address for communication, where channel can take value from 0 to 125; pin/port take value from 0,1-5; and the address.
setChannel KEYWORD2
The pin was explained in RF24.h. However,
- Can one open multiple channel at once?
- If one use the same addresses in multiple channel at once, can the address being distinguished, or were they treated as the same address?
- Is channel-pin/port(while writing)-address a tree structure?
C. Can one open up more pin/port in transmitting and writing?
openWritingPipe KEYWORD2
openReadingPipe KEYWORD2