I bought an Adafrut Huzzah32 ESP32 for an IoT project. When the ESP32 arrived, I attempted to fit it into my existing breadboard, but I immediately noticed that no matter how hard I pushed, the pins wouldn't fit into the solderless breadboard.
I tried to find others with the same problem with no luck, so I went on amazon and purchased another breadboard (an Elegoo 830 tie-points Breadboard). It arrived today and I'm having the exact same problem. I don't want to use a soderable breadboard at this stage of the project as I'm just starting, but I don't know what else to do at this point.
I've Googled images of other peoples' setups and there pins are snug down in the board. What am I doing wrong? I've included photos below:
As you can see, the power module on the end fits fine but the ESP32 won't go down into the board. At this point, I've tried two different boards (one of those small Arduino ones and this one) with no luck.
Any suggestions?
You can see that the pins aren't even close to being down in the board.