I am trying to give power to my Arduino Board using a 12V 7.3 Ah Lead-Acid Battery but I am unable to do it.
I connected the battery to Arduino Uno (via DC Pin) and it worked for a couple of minutes but then, it automatically stopped working. I checked the voltage of the battery using a Multimeter from the same DC Pin which was connected with battery and board. The voltage was 12.62 volts. Then I thought my board might have been fried. So, I checked the board by connecting it with a 12V 2 Amp DC adapter and I found that my board was not fried and it was working fine with the Adaptor. The Adaptor was giving 12.48 volts voltage. Then, I again checked the board using battery but still it didn't work. I tried charging the battery via a charger but it still didn't work. I tried these steps multiple times but the results were always same.
I checked with my 12V DC Fan & some other devices also and it works perfectly, but it doesn't work with my Arduino Board. This indicates that my battery is in a good condition but not working with Arduino Board only. While Arduino is also in a good condition, working with 12V DC Adaptors but not with the Battery.
Please Help!
how to determine if a battery is in good condition
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