I'm working a project which involves reading multiple RFID tags, from multiple directions, at the same time. Because of the multiple directions, I need to use multiple antennae. Because of the multiple tags, I need to use a simultaneous RFID reader.
Unfortunately, the wiring of the simultaneous RFID reader doesn't support multiple antennae, so each antenna will need its own simultaneous RFID reader. It seems likely - although I'm waiting for confirmation on this - that each RFID reader will have to have its own Arduino as well. What's the least horrible way of sending the data those antenna-reader-Arduino combinations are gathering to a laptop?
If this makes a difference, the laptop I'm going to be sending the data to will be running Ubuntu, and I'd like to collect the data using Python's pyserial package. Once I've got the data in a Python program, we're home and dry.