I happen to have one just like yours. I was trying to use it on my Arduino to send commands to my AC like a remote but as it turns out, the Vcc pin on the HX-53 breakout board appears to be a dummy and doesn’t connect to anything as far as i know. By right there should be a transistor circuit driving that LED. As it is now, not only is there insufficient current from the signal pin to drive that IR LED for signal bursts, but the red SMD LED in series with the resistor is also stealing some of the current away from the IR LED. In the end, I had to buy a BJT, a standalone IR LED, some resistors and design my own transistor circuit to drive it.
On the transistor’s collector side I had a connection to Vcc and the IR LED in series with a resistor. On the base side was a connection to the signal pin and a resistor. The emitter was connected directly to Ground. Values of the resistors you use will depend largely on the Vcc, the LED max forward current, the specs of the transistor you choose and available current from the power supply.
Hope this helps.