With regards to the Adafruit LSM9DS1 breakout: enter link description here
And using the Library: enter link description here
I am trying to increase the sample rate, or speed of this chip. I am using a Sparkfun Pro Micro 5V
With the adafruit library, you need to request accelerometer, gyro, magnetometer and temperature at once, and all I need is the accelerometer values. I am hoping by figuring out how to request only the accel values it will speed up the loop. But also, there must be another setting that could speed up the sample rate?
Any help would be appreciated!
my code currently:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_LSM9DS1.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> // not used in this demo but required!
Adafruit_LSM9DS1 lsm = Adafruit_LSM9DS1();
#define LSM9DS1_SCK A5
#define LSM9DS1_MISO 12
#define LSM9DS1_MOSI A4
#define LSM9DS1_XGCS 6
#define LSM9DS1_MCS 5
void setupSensor()
// 1.) Set the accelerometer range
// 2.) Set the magnetometer sensitivity
// 3.) Setup the gyroscope
double accelX = 0;
double accelY = 0;
double accelZ = 0;
double rms = 0;
void setup()
// Try to initialize and warn if we couldn't detect the chip
if (!lsm.begin())
Serial.println("Oops ... unable to initialize the LSM9DS1. Check your
while (1);
Serial.println("Found LSM9DS1 9DOF");
delay(5000);//program stabilization
void loop()
sensors_event_t a, m, g, temp;
lsm.getEvent(&a, &m, &g, &temp);
accelX = a.acceleration.x;
accelY = a.acceleration.y;
accelZ = a.acceleration.z;
rms = (accelX*accelX)+(accelY*accelY)+(accelZ*accelZ);