There has been similar questions all over the internet but none of them seem to answer my question, so can anybody tell me what is wrong with this code and how I can fix it?

Python code:

import serial

while True:
    print('write:',str.encode('90')) #print the sent value through the serial to check it with the readed value
    arduino_linux.write(str.encode('90'))#send the following value
    print('readed:',arduino_linux.read())#read the same value back from the arduino

my arduino code is as follows

void setup() {


void loop() {


this is a simple sample of a project, my aim from this code is to send the integer number 90 from the pyserial and make sure the value the Arduino is reading is the same integer.

In case if necessary my project is an object follower with object detector and after calculating all the angles and everything it sends them to the Arduino so the Arduino can act up on the servo's.

This is the result I am getting:

enter image description here

But I would like something like:

write:b '90'

readed:b '90', not b'9' or b'0'

I would also like to know how I can change these bytes to integers before I write them to a servo.

  • what version of python and the pySerial library you use?
    – Juraj
    Commented Nov 5, 2018 at 18:46

1 Answer 1


Use Serial.write() on Arduino to send raw bytes. print converts them to text.

read is not blocking, it doesn't wait for a byte and returns -1 if the receive buffer is empty. Check if read returned -1 or use Serial.available() to get the number of bytes in the RX buffer.

Serial 'echo':

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
  • i have seen it and used Serial.write(). but i dont seem to quit understand what you said for the second problem. give me some specific example. Thanks
    – EHM
    Commented Nov 5, 2018 at 18:37

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