I have two I2C devices connected to an Arduino Uno: an RTC and an OBD interface (see links below). The SCL/SDA of both devices connect parallel to SCL/SDA (respectively) of the Uno. My problem: when I set the time on the RTC (either using the autoset option, or explicitly) it reports back odd readings, like the date set back by 4 days, the hour set back by 2 hours etc. This happens even with the default bare-bones RTC sample sketch.
I tried two RTCs (one DS1307, and the one linked below): both show the same strange behavior. I tried 2 configurations: 1) NO pull-up resistors on either device, 2) two 10K pull-up resistors on BOTH devices. Both situations produce RTC errors. If I detach the OBD sensor from SCL/SDA, the RTC shows the proper time. If I remove the RTC, the OBD by itself (works fine. Before I spend more time experimenting: any advice how to solve this pull-up resistor situation (if this is what it is)?