In short, the Arduino IDE won't compile a sketch for the Teensy 3.6. It gives the error:
exec: "A:\\arduino-1.8.5\\hardware\\teensy/../tools/teensy_post_compile": file does not exist
Error compiling for board Teensy 3.6.
What I have tried
-Re-installing teensyduino (And yes, I have it installed, along with a compatible Arduino IDE (version 1.8.5))
-completely wiping the IDE and re-installing
-using a different USB cable
Other information
The OS I'm using is Windows 10
A broken Teensy is not out of the question, as I have been doing some soldering on it and I may have slipped or something, although I don't think that's the problem
Thanks in advance.
is the disk name for the floppy diskA:
so that it's easy to remember