An ATMEGA328-P chip is used with a toggle switch attached to pin 8 and a momentary switch attached to pin 9. My objective is to send the following information over serial:
- The status of pin 8, every second.
- Count the number of presses of pin 9, sending the value as the counter increments
I understand that to achieve point 2 I will need to utilise interrupts, but I have become stuck in the way I am trying to use them.
I am familiar with the following code's simple style:
- Within the loop...
- Poll the status of the input
- Send status over serial
Code A:
const int SWITCH_1 = 8;
const int READ_INTERVAL = 1000;
int val_s1 = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(SWITCH_1, INPUT);
digitalWrite(S1, HIGH);
void loop() {
val_s1 = digitalRead(SWITCH_1);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
When introducing the concept of interrupts, I have tried to retain the simplistic style of code A for testing purposes. The next snipped attempts to achieve the following:
- Attach an interrupt to pin 9 when the voltage rises
- No need for loop function (?)
- Within interrupt callback function...
- Increment the counter
- Send the counter value over serial
Code B:
void c1_rise();
const int COUNTER_1 = 9;
const int READ_INTERVAL = 1000;
volatile int val_c1 = 0;
void setup() {
attachInterrupt(COUNTER_1, c1_rise, RISING);
void loop() {
void c1_rise() {
val_c1 ++;
I've tried to learn where I'm going wrong, but I have become stuck and have decided to ask my questions here.
- Observation: I expect to see some data sent over serial when the button is pressed, but actually nothing observable happens.
- Problem 1: This might be because the interrupt isn't being attached at all.
- Problem 2: This might be because I misunderstand the limitations of interrupt callback functions.
While trying to solve problem 1, Arduino documentation implies that to use the attachInterrupt
function, parameter 1 must be an interrupt, from digitalPinToInterrupt
, but if I use that function I receive the following error message: error: ‘digitalPinToInterrupt’ was not declared in this scope.
From reading up about how interrupts behave, I found problem 2: it seems that even though I have declared the integer as volatile, using Serial from within a callback function isn't allowed. This is the limit of my knowledge currently, I hope that someone can help me out.