Here is my problem. I'm working on making a wifi addressable RGB LED (like WS2812b) controller, I'm using an ESP8266 as the hardware. I'm also creating a phone application for controlling the device and setting different modes. What I'm doing right now is that I communicate with the module by sending GET commands from my phone app. For example to change the brightness I send
Then on the ESP side the code is as follows:
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
String inData= client.readStringUntil('\r');
if (inData.indexOf("I")!=-1){
It works, but I'm not sure if this way of sending data is efficient at all. if change colors too rapidly the ESP resets. I recently found another code that uses GET and POST commands but different methods are used, like the following
server.on("/brightness", HTTP_POST, []() {
Then inside adjustBrightness function brightness is adjusted. This way it looks more professional but Is it more efficient?
I recently bought a commercial RGB LED controller that uses ESP8266 as its core. I tried to see what the phone app sends to the controller using the Drony app. For my app I could see all the get command the app was sending
but for the commercial controller I just saw one connection, something like ""
Is this using websockets? Is using websocket a better way? is it more robust?
I'm writing the code in Arduino IDE.