I have an application where I need 4 serial ports - 3 will be sending and receiving. The packet size will be up to 255 bytes on these 3 "main" ports. The 4th port will be receive only, and its packet size will be 6 bytes. There is no flow control. The data rate on all ports is 115,200 baud. The 3 main ports will send or receive data packets approximately once per second. Most data will be half-duplex, although occasionally it will be necessary to send and receive simultaneously from a port . The 4th port (the one that handles 6 bytes), will get packets at an approx 50 packets/second rate.
The TEENSY will have to calculate CRCs on all ports, and will have to do a small amount of data manipulation as well.
I was planning to use the hardware serial ports for the 3 main ports, and software serial for the port that has to deal with only 6 bytes. It is important that the 3 main ports be able to not miss any incoming data. The 4th port is less important and can "miss" a packet now and then with no ill effects.
Will a TEENSY 3.2 running 90MHz be able to keep up?