Good Day. I am currently following a project where I can send data to my firebase database using an ESP8266-ESP01 wifi module and DHT11 temp/hum sensor. I am using this adapter to enter the boot mode already with a program. Everything seems fine.
When I need to upload a program I am just tweaking the adapter using jumper cables to put the GPIO0 to GND and It works fine. My problem now is I have to use the DHT11 Sensor which is supposed to be connected to GPIO2. I tried to go to bootmode so I connected DHT11(data) directly to the ESP8266(GPIO2) leaving the slot in the adapter empty in which I cant enter the boot mode for some reason.
But when I plug ESP8266(GPIO2) to the adapter slot, I can enter bootmode. Currently confused on how to tweak the adapter to be able to use the GPI02 to the DHT11. Any tips would really help. thanks!