I have two classes in my sketch that are independent of each other (a serial output and an LCD display) A simplified structure of my code is as follows:

class A
   int x;
   void afoo()
   void afoo2

A ClassA;

class B
    int y;
    void bfoo()
B ClassB;

However, if I don't comment out class afoo2 I get the following error:

exit status 1

'ClassB' was not declared in this scope

I'm guessing that this is because I haven't yet created B ClassB while class is being defined. Is there a way I can do what I'm intending here?

2 Answers 2


You can't see non-static member variables in a class like that. The closest is to make it static, which means you get one and only one copy of the variable across all instances of your class:

class ClassB;
class ClassA {
        int x;
        void foo();

class ClassB {
        static int bfoo;

void ClassA::foo() {
    x = ClassB::bfoo + 1;

However I suspect that isn't what you want. I suspect you actually want to see the bfoo value stored in class instance B - so you need to tell you classA instance A what and where B is. To do that you will have to pass it when constructing or during some other setup phase. If you want A to know B and B to know A you can't easily do it during construction, so you will have to do it at a later stage:

class ClassB;

class ClassA {
        ClassB *B;
        int fooa;
        void begin(ClassB *b) {
            B = b;
        void foo();
class ClassB {
        ClassA *A;
        int foob;
        void begin(ClassA *a) {
            A = a;
        void foo();

void ClassA::foo() {
    fooa = B->foob + 1;

void ClassB::foo() {
    foob = A->fooa + 1;

ClassA A;
ClassB B;

void setup() {

void loop() {

  • Ok, why do you have class ClassB; and class ClassA A at the beginning as well as before the setup?
    – ATE-ENGE
    Commented Jul 26, 2017 at 16:21
  • 1
    class ClassB; means "ClassB exists, but I am going to define it later on." It allows ClassA to know about the type ClassB even though ClassB hasn't been defined in the file yet.
    – Majenko
    Commented Jul 26, 2017 at 16:23
  • trying your sketch, I'm getting an error forward declaration of 'class ClassB'
    – ATE-ENGE
    Commented Jul 26, 2017 at 17:25
  • Actually, the foo() functions can't be contained within the class structure as I have it - they have to be external to it so that it knows the structure of the classes before they are used. I will edit a working sketch in,
    – Majenko
    Commented Jul 26, 2017 at 17:52

What you are trying to do is call class A from B and vice versa.

What you could try, is remove one of the functions out of the class, possibly to a third class, so class A and B depend on a class C and not on each other.

However, if they are really depend, you can split up the files in header/implementation files.

Instead of using two classes directly, pass them as a parameter (reference).

Somewhat like this (not tested)

File A.h:

class A
   int x;
   void afoo();
   void afoo2(B& b);

File A.cpp:

#include "A.h" 
#include "B.h" 

void A::afoo()

void A::afoo2(B& b)

file B.h:

class B
    int y;
    void bfoo(A& a);

file B.cpp:

#include "A.h" 
#include "B.h" 

B::void bfoo(A& a)

And your ino file you declare A and B.

#include "A.h"
#include "B.h"

A ClassA;
B ClassB;


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