With an Arduino-like board using a CH340 USB Serial chip, I'd like to send text lines as fast as possible to a Raspberry Pi through USB using the Serial.println() function. The problem is that when I set the serial speed to values above 230 400 with the Serial.begin(speed) function, the Arduino console crashes and the C program on the Rapsberry Pi displays garbage in its console, even though I set the same serial speed.
Short examples :
Serial.println("Test !"); // Works fine.
Serial.begin(250000); // Or any speed above 250 000.
Serial.println("Test !"); // Doesn't work at all.
This answered question states that 2 Mbauds is possible, so I'm a bit lost.
The Arduino IDE console offers various speed from 300 to 2 000 000 bauds, so why don't speeds above 230 400 work ?