How can I get an Arduino to do the following to a Stepper Motor installed on a "Lead-screw" attached to my table-saw's Fence?
Turn the "lead-screw" clockwise when I press a given button, UNTIL I release the button.
Turn the same "lead-screw" counter-clockwise, when I press another button, UNTIL I release the button.
Adjust a "speed" knob, to control the motor's speed when the fence is moving; from very fast to very slow; and even stop when the control is completely counter-clockwise.
Turn a switch off, which will remove all control to the motor; so I can turn the shaft manually without resistance, whenever I do not want the fence to be under control of the motor.
That is ALL I need.
It is that simple. So what do I need? What do I need to purchase? I am a novice.