I have an LSM9DS1 breakout board by Sparkfun, and am communicating with it using a Mega 2560 over I2C. The board is given 3.3 V power as defined in the data sheet, though there seems to be confusion whether the SDA and SCL pins need level shifting for communicating with the 5 V Mega. In theory it shouldn't need to.
I am able to connect with the device and get its accelerometer and magnetometer data, however the gyro is just returning noise and no signal. I have dug in to all the registers I know of regarding high pass filters, logging rates, enabling and powering the sensor, but the only hints are that when the gyro is disabled and then polled, it returns a constant nonzero value on all three axes, as though a bit somewhere is stuck. With any other setting the results are unchanged: finite noise on a constant DC signal. Is this even possible? How can I dig deeper to understand and solve this problem?