
I am working on a GPS autonomous robot using Arduino, HMC5883 compass, Adafruit GPS module and I have managed to sort of complete the coding for it and I tried compiling / verifying it and I get an error. It would be helpful if anyone could assist help me find out what I am doing wrong in my code as I have spent 2 days looking for what I have done wrong and if someone could suggest a better way of writing my code or even improving it here code I appreciate it. HERE IS MY CODE http://textuploader.com/drhfa


GPS_move_:468: error: unterminated argument list invoking macro "radians"
  • I assume the problem is with this line: Wire.send("A);
    – gre_gor
    Apr 25, 2017 at 17:24
  • it's not that I just corrected it and it still comes up with the error-@gre_gor Apr 25, 2017 at 17:27
  • There's numerous missing semicolons...
    – Majenko
    Apr 25, 2017 at 21:21
  • Also you seem to have a missing close bracket at differencelongitude = radians((longitudeWaypoint2 - (longitudeWaypoint1)); (or an excess open bracket)
    – Majenko
    Apr 25, 2017 at 21:23
  • And a colon instead of a semicolon here: turn_left():
    – Majenko
    Apr 25, 2017 at 21:24

1 Answer 1


I cannot compile because there are libraries missing. However, after auto-formatting the code I have this list of problems:

  • Many lines lack semicolons at the end (check your variable definitions near the top of the code)
  • You have an extra bracket in one of your radians() calls (the one that is giving the error I guess): differencelongitude = radians((longitudeWaypoint2 - (longitudeWaypoint1));
  • There is an unterminated string literal: Wire.send("A);
  • You have a colon instead of a semicolon: turn_left():

There may be more but as I cannot even begin to compile I cannot find them easily - also there may be similar errors in any included files you have created.

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