What I want to achieve
I want to connect to my wifi network using Arduino UNO and ESP8266 using WiFiEsp.h
library over `SofwareSerial, since UNO doesn't have additional H/W serial.
What I am able to do already
I have a Mega, which I am able to connect to my wifi network(using ESP8266) using its hardware serial (RX1 and TX1), I've been following up this code example. Though it has code to deal with both cases( when H/W serial is present and when it's not) It doesn't seems to work on Software Serial on UNO, works perfectly on MEGA's H/W serial. I have made a little change in code as to set the Serial1 baudrate to 115200
as this seems to be supported by my ESP's firmware (1.54)
[WiFiEsp] Initializing ESP module
[WiFiEsp] >>> TIMEOUT >>>
[WiFiEsp] >>> TIMEOUT >>>
[WiFiEsp] >>> TIMEOUT >>>
[WiFiEsp] >>> TIMEOUT >>>
[WiFiEsp] >>> TIMEOUT >>>
[WiFiEsp] Cannot initialize ESP module
What I've tried
- Tried running Software Serial on MEGA on pins 10,11 and 6,7 (Rx,Tx) (Same Error).
- Swapping Rx,Tx :P
- Changing pins to 10,11 instead of 6,7 on UNO
- Switching Baudrate to 9600 on UNO (no help)
Yeah, Not much, but it seems so straight forward I can't figure out what could go wrong. It seems like it can't communicate to ESP, but why?