This might be a very simple question but I don't know which key represents KEY_LEFT_GUI on my keyboard. I thought it was the windows key but when I program Arduino Micro to execute it. Run does not open and it prints powershell on the "Search Programs and Files" section in Windows7 VM.




2 Answers 2


KEY_LEFT_GUI is the left Windows key. I think the problem may be that your code is only holding those keys down for microseconds. You need to give the computer a little bit of time to recognize the keypresses because it's expecting a human using a keyboard, not a microcontroller running at 16MHz. Try adding a delay before Keyboard.releaseAll();.

  • it's still just opening the start menu and typing it there instead of opening run I added a 1000 delay before releaseAll and a 1000 delay above press('r') but it is only detecting the windows press not the r
    – Katz
    Dec 17, 2016 at 4:24
  • I guess I just didn't know how fast a millisecond really is. I changed the delay to 4000 and it's working now.
    – Katz
    Dec 17, 2016 at 4:28

I know it's a late answer, but you can use to open the run window:

Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_GUI); Keyboard.press(114); Keyboard.releaseAll();

And yes, as per1234 says, KEY_LEFT_GUI is the left windows key

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