I have been using the ATmega328P TQFP32 chip for quite a while and I would like to try something new. I came across the ATSAMD21G18 used by Arduino Zero and M0. However, there aren't any information online regarding how to develop a standalone, very basic setup of it.
Previously, I have used...
ATmega328P TQFP32
For the crystal: 16Mhz and 22pF caps
For bootloading: 10 11 12 13 for Arduino ISP
For uploading programs: TX and RX of an Arduino Uno with its chip removed.
For the ATSAMD21G18, I am also looking for a similar setup. I checked out the Sparkfun Mini breakout schematics, but I am not good at reading them and there seems to be a lot of components just for protection and to make it more stable, which I don't need as you can probably know from the setup I used for the 328.
What are the basic required components for it to work properly?
For bootloading, am I required to use the Atmel Ice? If so, what are the pins and components needed for burning the Arduino Zero bootloader?
For uploading a program, am I required to use the USB functionality built in? How can I use it (components pins and connections)? Can I use Arduino ISP using an Arduino Zero?
Finally, what should I bear in mind when switching from an ATmega328P to an ATSAMD21G18?
Thanks in advance!