I'm building my own quadcopter and going to use an Arduino for this. An Arduino Micro for the quadcopter and an Arduino UNO for the controller. I want to use an USB host shield with a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro to control the quadcopter.
I have the joystick already working with de example from the USB host shield example, but I can't get the values to my void loop()
. There is not much information on the internet about this.
The link to the library and example I'm using: https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0/tree/master/examples/HID/le3dp
.INO file:
/* Simplified Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Report Parser */
#include <hid.h>
#include <hiduniversal.h>
#include <usbhub.h>
#include "le3dp_rptparser.h"
// Satisfy the IDE, which needs to see the include statment in the ino too.
#ifdef dobogusinclude
#include <spi4teensy3.h>
#include <SPI.h>
USB Usb;
USBHub Hub(&Usb);
HIDUniversal Hid(&Usb);
JoystickEvents JoyEvents;
JoystickReportParser Joy(&JoyEvents);
void setup()
Serial.begin( 115200 );
#if !defined(__MIPSEL__)
while (!Serial); // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection
if (Usb.Init() == -1)
Serial.println("OSC did not start.");
delay( 200 );
if (!Hid.SetReportParser(0, &Joy))
ErrorMessage<uint8_t>(PSTR("SetReportParser"), 1 );
void loop()
.cpp file:
#include "le3dp_rptparser.h"
JoystickReportParser::JoystickReportParser(JoystickEvents *evt) :
void JoystickReportParser::Parse(HID *hid, bool is_rpt_id, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf)
bool match = true;
// Checking if there are changes in report since the method was last called
for (uint8_t i=0; i<RPT_GAMEPAD_LEN; i++) {
if( buf[i] != oldPad[i] ) {
match = false;
// Calling Game Pad event handler
if (!match && joyEvents) {
joyEvents->OnGamePadChanged((const GamePadEventData*)buf);
for (uint8_t i=0; i<RPT_GAMEPAD_LEN; i++) oldPad[i] = buf[i];
void JoystickEvents::OnGamePadChanged(const GamePadEventData *evt)
Serial.print("X: ");
PrintHex<uint16_t>(evt->x, 0x80);
Serial.print(" Y: ");
PrintHex<uint16_t>(evt->y, 0x80);
Serial.print(" Hat Switch: ");
PrintHex<uint8_t>(evt->hat, 0x80);
Serial.print(" Twist: ");
PrintHex<uint8_t>(evt->twist, 0x80);
Serial.print(" Slider: ");
PrintHex<uint8_t>(evt->slider, 0x80);
Serial.print(" Buttons A: ");
PrintHex<uint8_t>(evt->buttons_a, 0x80);
Serial.print(" Buttons B: ");
PrintHex<uint8_t>(evt->buttons_b, 0x80);
.h file:
#include <hid.h>
struct GamePadEventData
union { //axes and hut switch
uint32_t axes;
struct {
uint32_t x : 10;
uint32_t y : 10;
uint32_t hat : 4;
uint32_t twist : 8;
uint8_t buttons_a;
uint8_t slider;
uint8_t buttons_b;
class JoystickEvents
virtual void OnGamePadChanged(const GamePadEventData *evt);
#define RPT_GAMEPAD_LEN sizeof(GamePadEventData)/sizeof(uint8_t)
class JoystickReportParser : public HIDReportParser
JoystickEvents *joyEvents;
uint8_t oldPad[RPT_GAMEPAD_LEN];
JoystickReportParser(JoystickEvents *evt);
virtual void Parse(HID *hid, bool is_rpt_id, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf);
So I hope that someone can give me a solution how I can get the value out of the code below (I changed the code a bit, so that I get decimal values) into the void loop().
void JoystickEvents::OnGamePadChanged(const GamePadEventData *evt)
Serial.print("X: ");
Serial.print("\t Y: ");
Serial.print("\t Hat Switch: ");
Serial.print("\t Twist: ");
Serial.print("\t Slider: ");
Serial.print("\t Buttons A: ");
Serial.print("\t Buttons B: ");
I've some experience with Arduino programming but not much.
Please ask me if you need more information.