I am using an ArduinoISP external programmer to upload a sketch to an Arduino MEGA.

I set the processor type to MEGA 2560, and use Ctrl-Shft-U to upload using a programmer. My programmer is set to ArduinoISP under tools>Programmer.

So far, I haven't been able to get the sketch to upload without a verification error. Worse, the programmer made it far enough in the upload process to overwrite the bootloader. Trying to re-upload the boot loader ("Burn Bootloader") also fails. The verbose error output is below with the exact error at the bottom.

A previous post suggested that code with a lot of 0xFF statements in it would fail. I have none.

Following a suggestion in the comments, I unsoldered the power over ISP programmer jumper (SJVCC) on my ArduinoISP. I powered the Arduino using the power jack; however, I got the same verification error.

I have also tried updating the software the the latest version (1.6.12), but that also does not seem to work. I may try to downgrade the software, but this all seems a little futile. Other forums don't seem to have a good answer for similar verification problems.

Is this a known problem? What can I do to fix it? What is particularly frustrating is that the problem occurs intermittently, ocassional after a computer reboot, it will upload successfully one time.

avrdude: Version 6.0.1, compiled on Apr 15 2015 at 19:59:58
     Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean, http://www.bdmicro.com/
     Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Joerg Wunsch

     System wide configuration file is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr/etc/avrdude.conf"

     Using Port                    : usb
     Using Programmer              : arduinoisp
avrdude: usbdev_open(): Found USBtinyISP, bus:device: bus-0:\\.\libusb0-0001--0x2341-0x0049
     AVR Part                      : ATmega2560
     Chip Erase delay              : 9000 us
     PAGEL                         : PD7
     BS2                           : PA0
     RESET disposition             : dedicated
     RETRY pulse                   : SCK
     serial program mode           : yes
     parallel program mode         : yes
     Timeout                       : 200
     StabDelay                     : 100
     CmdexeDelay                   : 25
     SyncLoops                     : 32
     ByteDelay                     : 0
     PollIndex                     : 3
     PollValue                     : 0x53
     Memory Detail                 :

                              Block Poll               Page                       Polled
       Memory Type Mode Delay Size  Indx Paged  Size   Size #Pages MinW  MaxW   ReadBack
       ----------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ ----- ----- ---------
       eeprom        65    10     8    0 no       4096    8      0  9000  9000 0x00 0x00
       flash         65    10   256    0 yes    262144  256   1024  4500  4500 0x00 0x00
       lfuse          0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  9000  9000 0x00 0x00
       hfuse          0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  9000  9000 0x00 0x00
       efuse          0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  9000  9000 0x00 0x00
       lock           0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  9000  9000 0x00 0x00
       calibration    0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0     0     0 0x00 0x00
       signature      0     0     0    0 no          3    0      0     0     0 0x00 0x00

     Programmer Type : USBtiny
     Description     :  
avrdude: programmer operation not supported

avrdude: Using SCK period of 10 usec
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.01s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9801
avrdude: NOTE: "flash" memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be     performed
     To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: Using SCK period of 10 usec
avrdude: reading input file     "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\builddfc205ae09caa85de62f61bf2adae2c7.tmp/Tension_wo_Averaging.ino.hex"
avrdude: writing flash (9334 bytes):

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 10.71s

avrdude: 9334 bytes of flash written
avrdude: verifying flash memory against     C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\builddfc205ae09caa85de62f61bf2adae2c7.tmp/Te    nsion_wo_Averaging.ino.hex:
avrdude: load data flash data from input file     C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\builddfc205ae09caa85de62f61bf2adae2c7.tmp/Tension_wo_Averaging.ino.hex:
avrdude: input file                     C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\builddfc205ae09caa85de62f61bf2adae2c7.tmp/Tension_wo_Averaging.ino.hex contains 9334 bytes
avrdude: reading on-chip flash data:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 7.34s

avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0600
         0xdd != 0x4a
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch

avrdude done.  Thank you.
  • 1) How is the board powered? 2) Did you try downloading the zip of Arduino IDE 1.5.7 and then trying. (might be waste of time but I hear sometimes older versions work better) Commented Nov 7, 2016 at 16:38
  • The ArduinoISP provides power to the board, but I have tried it with a USB cable plugged in too. Commented Nov 7, 2016 at 16:40
  • Haven't tried the older version yet. Will work on that too. Commented Nov 7, 2016 at 16:40
  • Did you put the jumper back on the ISP when trying external power? Commented Nov 7, 2016 at 16:41
  • No, the ArduinoISP doesn't have jumper pins, just jumper pads. I didn't change any of the soldering. Commented Nov 7, 2016 at 16:42

1 Answer 1


Sounds like you have a bad Arduino ISP board.

I've had limited success restoring bootloaders on some Arduinos with my bad USBtinyISP programmer by connecting a 9V power supply to the Arduino in addition to the 5V that the ICSP cable provides. Worth a try.

Note that back when my USBtinyISP was working properly I didn't need to attach 9V, the 5V from the ICSP cable was all the power needed.

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