I've been using an Arduino Ethernet shield and an Arduino Mega in my project, but now I'm trying to migrate all the components onto my own PCB. My board uses a W5100 same as the Arduino, but nothing shows up when I connect Ethernet to my computer. Even if there is no communication with the MCU the W5100 should show up as a network device and starting pinging.
I have spent A LOT of time troubleshooting this issue, and I would like to confirm one thing. Using the factory default register settings, I should be able to just connect the W5100 to my computer, and it will start pinging back and forth and be identified as a network device . . . assuming I have the circuit set up correctly just like the Ethernet shield. I used a combination of the recommendations from Wiznet and the Arduino Ethernet shield schematic to make mine.
Edit: Here is my schematic for the Ethernet module. The question I'm really trying to get answered first is regarding the default state of the W5100. Do I need to set some registers or something to get the W5100 in the same state it is in on the Arduino shield?