I have 2 nodes: one is a PC+arduino mega+xbee the other one is arduino micro+xbee. The 2 xbees are communicating fine, I have tested this with 2 separate arduinos. My problem is that when the second xbee hooked up to the micro it seems it does not try to send or receive data from the serial lines. It is connected to the first RX/TX pins in proper order (RX->Tx, Tx->Rx) on the micro.
This is obvious for me because if I start my program's setup section on the ardu with:
void setup()
while (!Serial);
The whole main program won't be running because the serial just never gets ready only if I plug my PC in.
When I try to send data from the PC->micro through xbee I see the Xbee receives it (led goes on the board) but nothing happens on the micro.
The micro right now is set to periodically send some debug data through the serial, I don't get that back either otherwise I would see the serial TX led on the micro blinking that it is sending the data. It only works when the PC is connected through USB.
Do I need some additional code for the xbee or is it require a hardware modification? I use a 5V-3V ttl converter as an extra hardware.