I know this problem is kinda common but I had to post it anyway.
Before anything, I would like to inform you guys that I changed the fuse of my Arduino Pro 3v3 @ 8MHz to allow 1.8 V brownout and also programmed CKDIV8 AND CLKOUT. In other words, the fuse configuration is this: E:FE, H:DA, L:3F.
The programmer is the Arduino 2009 running as ISP programmer. The target is Arduino Pro Mini 3V3 @ 8Mhz.
I also used a 0.1uF cap between reset and ground in the Arduino programmer.
After a good time using the Arduino Pro without problems, some random problems began to appear when I tried to upload a program with the programmer (Arduino as ISP). So I tried to burn the bootloader again and the following message appeared ""avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature."
The same occurs when I try to communicate with avrdude using this command "avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -P COM3 -b 19200 -v".
Some tests I did:
Continuity test directly at uC pins between those signals: SCK, MISO, MOSI, (/SS - /RESET). No problem good connection.
Verified the clock in XTAL1 and XTAL2. No problem 8MHz.
Verified the clock in CKOUT (Arduino Pro pin 2) and measured 1MHz.
I also tried to delay the avrdude using -B5, B10 and another values. With a quick search on Google some people are saying that those delays don't work with the Arduino as ISP.
I used some sketches for slow clocks, which I don't remember, and no luck.
External power and no luck again.
What am I missing? Do I need to change something to communicate with Arduino Pro running at 1MHz?