How to use printf with Arduino's streams without an intermediary buffer? The following seems unnecessary:

char buf[256];
sprintf(buf, ...);

Is there a way to connect HardwareSerial or SoftwareSerial to a libc stream or is there a custom implementation of printf that does this?

1 Answer 1


Sure - here's a Hello, World program that uses printf(). Everything that mentions "uart" is what connects printf() to your output stream. uart_putchar() does the actual outputting to ... someplace. That's what you'd modify to direct the C standard output to a different device - SofwareSerial, for instance:

// Hello, World program using printf()

#include <Arduino.h>

static FILE uartout = { 0 };   // FILE struct
static int uart_putchar(char c, FILE *stream);

void setup() {
   // For printf: fills in the UART file descriptor with pointer to putchar func.
   fdev_setup_stream(&uartout, uart_putchar, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);
   stdout = &uartout;

   printf("Hello, World!\n");

void loop( void ){
   printf("Elapsed time: %ld\n", millis());

// uart_putchar - char output function for printf
static int uart_putchar (char c, FILE *stream)
   if( c == '\n' )
   Serial.write(c) ;
   return 0 ;

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