I'm using Matlab to communicate with a custom AD7746 board through an Arduino UNO. The data sheet mentions that "In continuous conversion mode, the address pointers’ autoincrementer should be used for reading a conversion result. That means, the three data bytes should be read using one multibyte read transaction rather than three separate single byte transactions" I'm not sure how I can go about implementing this using MATLAB's Arduino support package. Would anyone have an Idea about this?

  • Show us what you've done so far. Have you read data from the sensor yet? Commented Apr 17, 2016 at 2:11
  • I think I figured it out. Matlab's Arduino package has a "read" command which lets you read data from an I2C device and allows you to specify the number of bytes. I'm just testing it to make sure that I got it right Commented Apr 18, 2016 at 3:06


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