I am using an ATtiny85 to sleep for a long period of time, collect some data, send it over radio, and go back to sleep, after disabling everything possible. The ATtiny is currently powered by a coin cell. I can get quite some time off that coin cell, but it's simply not enough, and the coin cell cannot be changed once the board is deployed. Peak current draw is around 10-15 mA.
My aim here is to find an alternative power source for my board. Some good news is that the boards are never more than one or two feet from a receiver, so rf-like power transmission may be possible. Some other options may be motion or heat (it's a wearable device). The amount of power could be pretty small, as I only need it at peak periods, so I could just charge up a supercapacitor for a while and drain it when power is needed after the Attiny wakes up for less than a second.
The ideal situation would be to have a means of power transmission or generation that provides enough current to continuously power the microcontroller without the need for sleep, but I recognize that this is probably not feasible. However, due to the limited range it might be. Another concern is radiation to the wearer.
If anyone has any experience in this kind of power transmission or generation or just any ideas I would love to hear it. Thanks!
I can get quite some time off that coin cell, but it's simply not enough
- please specify numbers. You get x days off the coin cell, but you want y days? What are x and y? I have a post about a solar powered Arduino which may be relevant to you. I can elaborate in an answer (rather than just giving a link) if you think it would be useful.