1. is it dangerous for arduino the below circuit because GND pin is common with -12V battery pole?
  2. is it dangerous for lots of 5v circuit to be grounded on -12v battery pole?
  3. in case i don't connect GND arduino pin with -12v , does arduino works?
  4. in case that 1,2 question is dangerous for arduino,does it safe if a connect a diode at P1 mark?

enter image description here

  • You seem to be confusing ground and negative voltages an awful lot... Commented Dec 8, 2015 at 13:44
  • if a want to supply arduino with a battery which should be the connections?
    – kosar
    Commented Dec 8, 2015 at 13:47
  • 1
    there is no -12v in a battery, it is GND. So all -5v and -12v you have there are GND. Unless it is an ACTUAL negative voltage derived from the same power source, then it is irrelevant
    – Madivad
    Commented Dec 8, 2015 at 13:47
  • 1
    Change your diagram's three '-5v' and one '-12v' to GND and the "+voltage" to be "+5V".
    – Dave X
    Commented Dec 8, 2015 at 14:15

1 Answer 1


Voltages, being a potential difference are always measured relative to another voltage. Normally that reference voltage is referred to as ground, though may not always be.

The + and - on the battery refers to the polarity of the battery not the polarity of the voltage.

For instance, relative to the - terminal the positive terminal is 12 volts higher, or +12V. Relative to the + terminal the negative terminal is 12V lower, so -12V.

When one of your battery terminals is connected to a point in your circuit nominated as ground (the - terminal of your battery in this case) then your battery voltage at the + terminal is measured relative to ground, which we say is 0V. So the + terminal is 12V higher than the - terminal, and the - terminal is 0V, so therefore the + terminal must be 12V with respect to ground. The - terminal, since it is connected to ground is at the same voltage as ground, so it is 0V with respect to ground.

If you were to connect the + terminal of a battery to ground instead, then the - terminal would be 12V lower than ground, so would be -12V with respect to ground. The + terminal would be 0V with respect to ground.

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