I have a transmitter(simple 433 MHz transmitter) connected via digital pins on the Arduino. The receiver is connected to another arduino. Now, I kept that pin on HIGH for 1 second, and it transmits only 1000 ones. But I've seen different example transmitter sketches having baud rates of 1200, 9600, etc. So the situation is, when the transmitter is transmitting at maximum capacity(just HIGH for a whole second), it can only transmit 1000 ones.
I am able to read that it only transmits 1000 ones because my receiver just has a simple read function that reads and prints the data. and it prints 1000 ones every second. Give or take one or two. So when you specify a baud rate of 1200, is it useless? how will it transmit 1200 bits/sec? Does the baud rate actually increase the hardware limit or what exactly is going on? Can someone please provide me some insight into this? I'd be glad to clarify this question more if need be.
it can only transmit 1000 ones
- how do you get that? If it is high for a second, you could argue it has transmitted a billion ones.So when you specify a baud rate of 1200, is it useless?
- no. You might want to read my post about how serial works.