I have a String content=""
and if I put an HTTP request like this:
client.println("GET /api/actions?parking_id=39 HTTP/1.1");
client.println("Host: ramp-rampcontrol.rhcloud.com");
client.println("Connection: close");
the output I get is:
[{"action_id":35,"action_type":"up","parking_id":39,"user_id":17,"ramp":"exit","created_at":"2015-07-10 18:02:40","updated_at":"2015-07-10 18:02:40"},{"action_id":41,"action_type":"up","parking_id":39,"user_id":17,"ramp":"entry","created_at":"2015-08-16 20:50:14","updated_at":"2015-08-16 20:50:14"},{"action_id":42,"action_type":"down","parking_id":39,"user_id":17,"ramp":"entry","created_at":"2015-08-16 20:50:21","updated_at":"2015-08-16 20:50:21"},{"action_id":43,"action_type":"down","parking_id":39,"user_id":17,"ramp":"exit","created_at":"2015-08-16 20:50:22","updated_at":"2015-08-16 20:50:22"}]
The little parser I created is this:
while(client.available()) {
char c = client.read();
if(c == '{'){
begin1 = true;
if (begin1) {
content += c;
if (c == '}') {
Is it possible to store only the first action in JSON output, because the actions are updated, and if the number of chars extends 256 than I get errors while working with the String content
if (c == ',') { break; }
(i.e. break on the first comma, instead of the first closing bracket)