I want to control AC bulb with Arduino, 5v-relay. My connections are
My code is
#define RELAY1 7
void setup()
pinMode(RELAY1, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(RELAY1,LOW); // Turns ON Relays 1
Serial.println("Light OFF");
delay(15000); // Wait 5 seconds
digitalWrite(RELAY1,HIGH); // Turns Relay Off
Serial.println("Light ON");
- Red LED is on according to AC bulb.
- Power LED (Green colored one) is also on as I have given 5v supply from Arduino.
The issues are
Bulb is not following the delay given in the code. The output for the above code is 20sec ON - 15sec OFF -20sec ON - 15sec OFF- 20sec ON -15sec OFF - 1sec ON - 20sec ON - 15sec OFF etc. means apart from 20,15 sec duration there is a duration of 1sec is coming in between as noise. What might be the reason?
On monitor also, only first 3 actions are getting printed after that no printing is observed.
==>The relay I am using is: