I recently picked up an Uno clone and noticed that if pin 12 is set to an output and I run the Blink sketch on it, the built in led (supposedly connected to pin 13) blinks. It's not as bright as it is when I run it on pin 13, but nonetheless it blinks. If I run it on any other pin, nothing happens, which is the behavior I expected with pin 12.
Is this a common issue with arduino boards, the microcontrollers, etc. or did I get a bad board?
Overall the board visibly appears to have solid construction and appears as the one on the site that I linked to.
Lastly as a side note, I'm currently living in India and won't have a problem going back to their factory for a replacement, if it is a bad board. They include a 6 month warranty.
int ledPin = 12;
int delayPeriod = 100;
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
delayPeriod = delayPeriod + 100;