I'm first time working with a Teensy 3.1. I have to connect this (MS5803-01BA: http://www.amsys.de/products/ms5803.htm) pressure sensor via SPI to my Teensy.
My problem is, that I don't have any reliable knowledge on SPI. I read the Wikipedia for it and also the Teensy-Manual.
For the pressure sensor I already got a C-Code but it is only working with the ATMEL ATmega644p microcontroller. I tried to get the code to work with my Teensy, but it seems like I don't get either any input nor any output.
I hope that one of you can help me with the following code and tell me what I'm missing out on. Thank you.
Datasheet of the pressure sensor:
C-Code for the pressure sensor for the ATMEL ATmega644p microcontroller: http://www.amsys.de/sheets/amsys.de.an520_e.pdf
PS: Please excuse my not perfect English for it's not my native language.