I bought a new OV7670 FIFO camera to connect to my Arduino UNO a few days ago.
The picture of the cam board:
I found this forum, it is nice try but it looks chaotic and confusing with about 50 pages, where you can't find where the questions and where the answers are.
I also found this library which is for non-FIFO board and could not apply to my project. I also read the OV7670_FIFO and OV7670 and AL422 datasheets and I read I2C protocol and basics; and there are many success story on the internet but there is no schematic on them.
The problem is, I can't find any simple example for FIFO with schematic to start with. I don't know if this camera is so new or it is so hard to understand, this problem getting so serious that somebody wrote a book named "Beginning Arduino ov7670 Camera Development" about it, but I think it is a matter of an Arduino to FIFO cam schematic and example code. I ask if there is a such schematic and code for it on the web or how can I connect them?