So I'm trying to hook up this BLE breakout board to an Arduino Uno. SparkFun has a hookup guide which seems to be great for someone who has an FTDI SmartBasic that is mentioned in the article. I don't have the SmartBasic board, and would like to see if this is possible without it.
I have hooked up the board to my Uno with the following pinouts:
GRN -> Reset
RXI -> RX (tried with TX as well)
TXI -> TX (tried with RX as well)
VIN -> Tried 5V and 3.3V
BLK -> (No Connection)
I use their example code they have provided, uploaded without the RX and TX pins hooked up because, from what I notice, you cannot upload a program through the USB serial when these ports are in use. So after I upload the program through USB, I power the board with a battery and connect the RX and TX pins to the BLE board.
Has anyone either successfully hooked these up without the use of a SmartBasic? I'm a programmer by trade so I do my best to understand this side of the spectrum.