At the moment I'm using two softserials to connect to a GPS and an GSM module.
It seems not possible to have two open software-serials. So I was looking for an solution
After the initial-setup, the GPS module is only needed to be read from; while the GSM module needs to be bidirectional. So:
GPS > listen only
GSM > listen and write
Now I came across the GPS library from Adafruit, which uses an interrupt to receive data. Is this instead of a software serial. Or do I again run into the limitation?
An other solution might be to use the D0 and D1 to attach eg the GPS module. But than I won't be able to see the debug messages in my serial monitor. Is that correct?
Sorry in advance for these n00b questions. But I'm frustrated the things dont work as I want :)
- This is the adafruit GPS board.
- And the board with whom it is connected: Gboard
- The Sim900 is connected to D2/D3 and the GPS is connected to A2/A3.
- D0/D1 are connected to a FTDI breakout board, which is plugged into my USB.