I made a simple test sketch to make my ATTiny85 emulate a Keyboard and send a sequence of keystrokes.
#include "DigiKeyboard.h"
void setup() {
// don't need to set anything up to use DigiKeyboard
void loop() {
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(106); // F15
DigiKeyboard.delay(59 * 1000);
It worked fine, but now every time I plug it to the USB port on my computer, Windows detects it as a Keyboard and starts typing what I programmed it to type.
Arduino IDE can't reprogram it. When it says "Plug in device now", I do it, but it immediately acts like a Keyboard, not like a programmable ATTiny85.
Note: Image shows the console output. Code is just a simple blinker.
Is there any way to save this board? I just want to upload another sketch to it. Maybe some way to rewrite the bootloader or to erase the flash memory entirely.
Also, please give me some advice so I can avoid being locked out again in the future. I really want to use this board as a Keyboard emulator, but I want to be able to reprogram it if necessary.